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Being Logical: A Guide to Good Thinking, by D.Q. McInerny
Free PDF Being Logical: A Guide to Good Thinking, by D.Q. McInerny
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Whether regarded as a science, an art, or a skill–and it can properly be regarded as all three–logic is the basis of our ability to think, analyze, argue, and communicate. Indeed, logic goes to the very core of what we mean by human intelligence. In this concise, crisply readable book, distinguished professor D. Q. McInerny offers an indispensable guide to using logic to advantage in everyday life. Written explicitly for the layperson, McInerny’s Being Logical promises to take its place beside Strunk and White’s The Elements of Style as a classic of lucid, invaluable advice.
As McInerny notes, logic is a deep, wide, and wonderfully varied field, with a bearing on every aspect of our intellectual life. A mastery of logic begins with an understanding of right reasoning–and encompasses a grasp of the close kinship between logical thought and logical expression, a knowledge of the basic terms of argument, and a familiarity with the pitfalls of illogical thinking. Accordingly, McInerny structures his book in a series of brief, penetrating chapters that build on one another to form a unified and coherent introduction to clear and effective reasoning.
At the heart of the book is a brilliant consideration of argument–how an argument is founded and elaborated, how it differs from other forms of intellectual discourse, and how it critically embodies the elements of logic. McInerny teases out the subtleties and complexities of premises and conclusions, differentiates statements of fact from statements of value, and discusses the principles and uses of every major type of argument, from the syllogistic to the conditional. In addition, he provides an incisive look at illogical thinking and explains how to recognize and avoid the most common errors of logic.
Elegant, pithy, and precise, Being Logical breaks logic down to its essentials through clear analysis, accessible examples, and focused insights. Whether you are a student or a teacher, a professional sharpening your career skills or an amateur devoted to the fine points of thought and expression, you are sure to find this brief guide to effecting reasoning both fascinating and illuminating.
From the Hardcover edition.
- Sales Rank: #55551 in Books
- Brand: Brand: Random House Trade Paperbacks
- Published on: 2005-05-10
- Released on: 2005-05-10
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 8.00" h x .40" w x 5.20" l, .37 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 160 pages
- Used Book in Good Condition
From Publishers Weekly
"In logic, as in life, it is the obvious that most often bears emphasizing, because it so easily escapes our notice," McInerny argues in this pithy guide to applying logical thinking to everyday life. Modeled after Strunk and White’s indispensable handbook, The Elements of Style, McInerny’s primer offers valuable counsel on making a clear and effective point. He calls attention to the tremendous importance that language holds in the crafting and presentation of an argument, advising readers to "make your words as precise and sharply focused as possible" and to keep arguments, or at least their essential purpose, simple. Readers need not have a background in philosophy to follow McInerny’s remarkably comprehensible explanation of the methods used to construct a valid case, including the syllogistic argument, the conjunctive and disjunctive arguments and the conditional argument. The author also dedicates considerable discussion to the sources and the principal forms of illogical thinking, from such common ruses as begging the question and using tears as a diversionary tactic to the more ethically questionable ad hominem strategy, in which a person ignores an argument and attacks his opponent’s character instead. McInerny recommends that people hone their logical thinking skills by using them in real life situations, but perhaps one of the best ways his audience can learn to clearly express their views is by examining the crisp, articulate writing in this slender but richly informative guide.
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
From Booklist
"Major Premise: Sixty men can do a piece of work sixty times as quickly as one man. Minor Premise: One man can dig a posthole in sixty seconds; therefore-Conclusion: Sixty men can dig a post-hole in one second." Ambrose Bierce's satire on the syllogism belongs to one of many species of specious reasoning that college professor McInerny takes to task in this precis on logic. Remarking that logic is rarely taught "as such" in American education, he presents this makeup course consciously modeled on Strunk and White's Elements of Style (1959). In concise language, McInerny's guide distributes the elements of logic among short, admonitory headings, such as "Avoid Vague and Ambiguous Language." McInerny also provides definitions of the tools of logic and their application in arriving at truth. Inculcating this noble and, in principle, attainable aim, McInerny's explanatory outline of sound thinking will be eminently beneficial to expository writers, debaters, and public speakers. Gilbert Taylor
Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved
“I would hope that Being Logical might to some degree succeed in doing for the cause of good thinking what The Elements of Style has done for the cause of good writing. My earnest wish is that this book might succeed in convincing its readers of the intrinsic importance of logic. And may it engender in them an appreciation for the priceless satisfaction which inevitably accompanies that happy state of being logical.”
–from Being Logical
“Given the shortage of logical thinking,
And the fact that mankind is adrift, if not sinking,
It is vital that all of us learn to think straight.
And this small book by D.Q. McInerny is great.
It follows therefore since we so badly need it,
Everybody should not only but it, but read it.”
From the Hardcover edition.
Most helpful customer reviews
9 of 10 people found the following review helpful.
Certainly not a waste of time, but
By john
Being Logical: A Guide to Good Thinking
D.Q. McInerny
Hardcover 2004 160 pp
One of the stated goals in author D.Q. McInerny's preface to "Being Logical" is to in "some degree succeed in doing for the cause of good thinking what 'Elements of Style' has done for that of good writing." This book does not meet that goal. It is very doubtful that I will keep it on hand as a reference to help form my thoughts or to construct arguments. There's not enough "how to" guidance for that.
Further, many of the examples that are given do not seem to have been very thoughtfully crafted. Based on that, and also on the too-informal language that pops up throughout, one might be led to suspect that McInerny cobbled together some lecture notes for this book, but didn't make the extra effort to enliven it and strengthen it. The book actually feels like it could be the appendix or the introductory chapter to a larger, better work.
Judging outside the goal of the author, the book is not awful or misleading like some reviewers have made it out to be. It was worthwhile and certainly not a waste of time, but given the opportunity to go back and choose another book for an introduction to logic, I would. And maybe if you're reading this review, you should too.
Update: A better and much more thorough introduction to Logic is "The Science of Correct Thinking" by Fr. Celestine Bittle, ISN: B000MHIJKY
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Its a book I needed for a class
By Trevor Young
As much as I love writing detailed reviews, I cant for this. The book is worded in a way that you need to reread what you just read to semi-understand it. It over complicates the simplest things, and if I had the choice, I would never read this. But I needed it for a class, so what can you do?
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Should be mandatory for those entering adulthood
By MeG
Every high-schooler should have to read this. Also anyone who plans to ever vote in an election would benefit. I read this and several other books for an intro to grad school assignment. It helps to reorient your brain to the different types of fallacies and flawed reasoning/arguments that persuade so many people. Its good, simple, and is more like a handbook for reference.. Its an easy read that may be too easy or rudimentary to some long-time students, but its still good.
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