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The Cost of Our Silence: Consequences of Christians Taking the Path of Least Resistance, by David Fiorazo
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There are consequences when God’s people take the path of least resistance and back out of culture. One only needs to look at our society to see we are living with those consequences today.
• Why do you think so many Christians pursue comfort over commitment to Christ?
• Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by the darkness and moral decline in society today and wonder what happened to the salt and light?
• How have we reached a point where Christians who do preach the gospel and speak up about sin are called hateful, intolerant, or judgmental?
Christian in name only, America has become an epicenter for the culture war as too many of us keep ducking the issue of sin. Due to decades of Christians being silent, failing to preach the gospel and speak the truth in love, we’ve reached a tipping point in which political correctness refuses to coexist with religious freedom. Why do you think Christians who defend God’s Word are often called hateful, intolerant, or judgmental? There are consequences in this life and for eternity, when Christians take the path of least resistance. We cannot reverse the moral decline, but we can choose to stand for righteousness as we pray for revival and be the salt and light Jesus called us to be while we’re still here.
Hide the light of Christ and retreat, or let it shine and expose the darkness; live an inconsequential life, or bear fruit that will last. If most Christians remain silent, fewer people will be saved, society will collapse, and we will continue to be part of the problem. Dietrich Bonhoeffer said it best:
“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless...”
- Sales Rank: #136434 in Books
- Published on: 2015-05-15
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 9.00" h x 1.00" w x 6.00" l, .0 pounds
- Binding: Paperback
- 336 pages
- The Church in America
- Conspiracy in America
- The liberal media agenda
David Fiorazo has an uncompromising, hard-hitting writing style overflowing with compassion for all people, and his perspective is soundly based upon the truth of God's Word. His sense of urgency to warn the church about our silence cannot be overstated. He is one of my most articulate radio guests. -- Jan Markell "Founder of Olive Tree Ministries"
I appreciate David Fiorazo's thoughtful and passionate analysis concerning the moral and spiritual decline facing believers today. While many in the church waver under the pressures of secularism and unbiblical thinking, David is counted among the clear voices, enunciating God's truth in these troubling times. -- Eric Barger "Take A Stand Ministries"
David Fiorazo is an eloquent and excellent writer, challenging Christians to speak out and take action against the growing secular culture infiltrating our nation. His new book, The Cost of Our Silence, builds to a powerful conclusion and is a clarion call to all those concerned about the direction of our nation as well as the church in America. -- Mike LeMay "Stand Up for the Truth"
David Fiorazo has an uncompromising, hard-hitting writing style overflowing with compassion for all people, and his perspective is soundly based upon the truth of God’s Word. His sense of urgency to warn the church about our silence cannot be overstated. He is one of my most articulate radio guests. I consider him one of the best “watchmen on the wall” sounding alarms today. – Jan Markell, Founder of Olive Tree Ministries The Cost of Our Silence should be required reading for high school and college students, professing Christians, and perhaps most importantly, our pastors and church leaders. This book will open people’s eyes and motivate them to action. – Rob Pue, Publisher, Wisconsin Christian News David Fiorazo is an eloquent and excellent writer, challenging Christians to speak out and take action against the growing secular culture infiltrating our nation. His new book, The Cost of Our Silence, builds to a powerful conclusion and is a clarion call to all those concerned about the direction of our nation as well as the church in America. – Mike LeMay, Stand Up for the Truth I appreciate David Fiorazo’s thoughtful and passionate analysis concerning the moral and spiritual decline facing believers today. While many in the church waver under the pressures of secularism and unbiblical thinking, David is counted among the clear voices, enunciating God’s truth in these troubling times. – Eric Barger, Take A Stand Ministries We live in dark times disguised as enlightenment. David Fiorazo not only identifies the reality of the underlying problem, he also gives his audience real hope in a world filled with false hopes. David is a modern day “voice in the wilderness.” – Dr. James Langteau, Director of SE Asia, Wycliffe Associates David Fiorazo lives his faith. His new book communicates biblical truth with an uncompromising passion and takes aim at the many “professing” Christians who refuse to acknowledge or oppose the evils ravaging society – and the church – in America today. A MUST READ. – Alan Scholl, Executive Director, Freedom Project Education
About the Author
David Fiorazo is an author, radio personality, actor, blogger, and speaker. He has over 30 years of experience in the broadcasting and entertainment industries. David recommitted his life to Jesus Christ in 1987 and as he traveled across America, he witnessed the moral decay and spiritual decline of our Republic under God that continues today.
Most helpful customer reviews
16 of 17 people found the following review helpful.
Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked: Psalm 1:1 (NIV) This is where America has gone astray.
By Barbara Davis
David has exposed in great detail all the forces opposing Christianity in our nation, eroding the very freedom it ensures. Many I was familiar with, but many I did not know about. This book is very informative!
It is truly disheartening to think how far we have fallen from our heritage in this country. Political correctness and proponents of the so-called "separation of church and state" have grossly distorted our Founders intent and are muzzling Christians everywhere. And American history is being revised by those who claim that the Founders were strict secularists who wanted no intersection between God and government. Nothing could be further from the truth!
As a result of these forces, our freedom is eroding away at a rapid pace. We must get back to basics and stand our ground. If we don't, our children and grandchildren will surely suffer. Freedom of religion has morphed into freedom FROM religion in so many ways. Thomas Jefferson famously said, "God who gave us life gave us liberty at the same time." Yet secular/atheists claim him as their poster boy by taking the phrase "wall of separation" that he wrote in a letter to a Baptist congregation completely out of context. This has been a very effective tool to silence Christian expression for many years. Are we to the point of no return? God forbid! I pray not.
I've read so many comments on blogs and social media where people think the Bible is just a book of fairy tales with no relevance today whatsoever. The main stream media pumps out the gay agenda relentlessly. I recently watched an episode of the CBS show "Blue Bloods" where Tom Selleck's character was discussing gay rights with a priest and he said he believed "the Church is on the wrong side of history on this issue." Isn't the Church supposed to be on the side of God alone, NOT history? I get very tired of it being force-fed to us day in and day out.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8) and He said only one thing will never pass away - His words (Matthew 24:35). As the Word of God incarnate, He would never, ever grant gay marriages. Yet many denominations are performing same-sex ceremonies and ordaining gay clergy while the Supreme Court turns morality on its head. It's insane! It's nothing short of biblical ignorance.
We seem to have many people in America who profess to be Christians but never, or rarely, read the Bible. Therefore, if something is propagated as "the Christian thing to do" (such as to support gay rights) then it is bought as Truth hook, line and sinker. We should all be like the Bereans who did not merely take Paul's word for things, but rather, they studied the Scriptures for themselves to research what was said: Acts 17:11: Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. The Bible clearly forbids homosexual behavior in both Old and New Testaments.
We have too many professing Christians who seem to want one foot in the world and the other in the church. Therein lies the problem. They don't want to offend anyone, so they have let the PC culture instead of the Bible alone determine what is, and is not, acceptable in order to be a Christian. God help us! May He move mightily in our nation and convert hearts and minds back to His perfect ways.
I know firsthand about this issue. It has affected me greatly because in 2011 I was fired as an administrative assistant at Penn State University for simply discussing the phrase In God We Trust with a coworker on a very slow work day after spring semester. He brought up the subject, and then he quickly turned it into a debate about same-sex marriage. Then it got ugly very quickly.
All I did was give him several quotations regarding Christianity's influence in this nation as we discussed the founding fathers. He got loud, but I was the only one reprimanded by our supervisor, placed on 90-day probation, required to attend bi-weekly meetings (which were nothing but bully sessions trying to convince me how wrong I was) regarding "diversity" and then ultimately fired. Despite the fact that in a memo recapping our final meeting where Penn State made reference to my faith IN WRITING, I was denied Unemployment Compensation, I appealed and was denied again; and I could not get any justice whatsoever from the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission or the EEOC after filing a complaint of religious discrimination. As a single mother this left me completely destitute!
I was viewed as "insubordinate" simply for questioning my inability to speak without consequence in defense of my faith and discuss TRUE American history. Freedom of speech? It's becoming non-existent for the Christian! The fact that a coworker was at my desk and started the discussion was irrelevant to them. They only focused on my lack of "tolerance" for his view affirming gay marriage. "Diversity" and "tolerance" are the buzz words being implemented in every human resources policy across this nation creating extreme hypersensitivity toward gays. If you are not "tolerant" (which really means affirming) of the gay agenda, then watch out! What about tolerance for the Christian view in public arenas? According to them, that falls under "separation of church and state." It's a no win!
May God arise and may His enemies be scattered: Psalm 68:1.
7 of 7 people found the following review helpful.
A Comprehensive Indictment Of Contemporary Culture
By Nathan Albright
[Note: This book was provided free of charge by Aneko Press/Life Sentance Publishing in exchange for an honest review.]
At 300 pages of bold and blunt and courageous writing, there is a lot to praise about this book. It is a stirring call to arms for self-avowed Fundamentalists willing to consider liberalism a cult and to excoriate lukewarm congregations for putting up with lukewarm ministers more interested in preserving 501c(3) status and treating church like a corporation than with preaching the word of God as it relates to moral evils. The book is detailed and takes no prisoners in its approach–it shows a wide degree of discussions in everything from the long train of judicial tyranny to discussions about Common Core education, abortion, gay marriage (and this before the court’s recent decision), and has a wide historical scope. The author is clearly both passionate about the need for general societal repentance in order to escape divine justice, and has a firm commitment to encouraging Christians to be in the world but not of it.
In terms of its organization, the book has several clearly organized chapters of somewhat uneven length. The book begins with several chapters that demonstrate how mainstream Christianity reached its present sad state in American society, and encourages believers not to be ashamed of the Gospel message, pointing out that many ministers have been afraid to preach out against sin as a result of their moral cowardice. The book spends most of its length discussing the perversion of court decisions by corrupt judges looking for pretexts and proof texts, looks at judicial tyranny, and spends a substantial time discussing the horrors of abortion. The author then discusses liberalism as a cult, which introduces a less appealing aspect of the author’s rhetoric which is worthy of some discussion, and then discusses the assaults on traditional marriage, a discussion on worldviews, a strong condemnation of common core in education, and a criticism of the rise of interest in witchcraft and the occult (Harry Potter and Twilight come in for special condemnation here, as does the general apparent influence of musicians to demonic influence onstage). At this point the book speeds towards its conclusion with a call for struggle as well as a premillennial view of Jesus Christ’s return.
There are some aspects of this book that are worthy of critique. For one, the author engages in some logical fallacies when he defends the Constitution on a view of originalism while defending his view on orthodoxy based on a viewpoint of general contemporary consensus. The fact that the author himself defends views about the law of God that would be considered by some as legalist while simultaneously using the term legalism to club sects that the author simultaneously views as authoritarian and sometimes gnostic is also somewhat disingenuous. Also worthy of criticism is the somewhat partial and uneven extent to which the author engages in political discussion–the book details ways that crony capitalism has led in part to the dangerous rise of the state, but there is no attempt to critique social wrongs involving a failure of mankind to steward the earth or address historical failures like slavery and racism, about which the author is mostly silent except as a way of scoring points against the eugenics movement and contemporary abortionists. These matters do not negate the effectiveness of the book in its discussion of contemporary moral failings, but they represent chinks in armor that can be used as targets in partisan reviews that will ignore the book’s insights and focus strictly on its liabilities, using the book’s fierce rhetoric to encourage hostility against fundamentalist views. Another area of commentary worthy of discussion are those areas that the book does not focus on that are worthy of mention, perhaps in later books by the author. In particular, the book seemed to advocate an adversarial and countercultural strategy by Christians to go underground and oppose the corrupt present legal and political order, but the author’s general pessimism about Christian attempts in the 20th century at building cultural infrastructure make this book mostly preaching against evil rather than building a biblical alternative that can serve as a rallying point for believers tired of oppositional politics and looking for something positive on this side of the kingdom. In some areas, this book could have served to be longer, and more optimistic. After all, a call to arms not only needs defiant courage, but also a clear vision for comprehensive victory. That’s what Dietrich Bonhoeffer would provide, anyway.
8 of 9 people found the following review helpful.
The Cost of Our Silence by David Fiorazo is a Real Eye Opener
By Blessings N' Bloggings
As you watch our society lose its moral compass at an alarming pace, many of us Christians wonder how this happened, how have we fallen so far from the original intent of our founders? In The Cost of Our Silence, David Fiorazo shows you just how this is happened and how formidable the forces that oppose our Christian roots are.
What I found very interesting is there have always, even from the creation of our nation, been people that wanted to eliminate Christianity from the public arena. Some are motivated out of their own greed and/or ambition like Lyndon B. Johnson that introduced the Johnson amendment to the federal tax code that limited how non-profit entities could engage in politics and political races. Therefore stifling pastors at the pulpit by holding their tax exempt status over their head. Others are leftist that know their ideas for society will not be accepted by a strong moral population so they must diminish Christianity and its influences.
David has done a great job in referencing all of his work. The book is not just an opinion piece; he has foot notes for all of the references that he uses to make the case. I learned several things that I was unaware of, for example did you know even our seminary schools have been infiltrated by leftist? I found this information very troubling, however this explains why there is such a divide in our denominations, so deep in fact, we can no longer even all agree that The Holy Bible is the inerrant word of God!
I would recommend this book to every Christian, it is well written and you will learn things about the opposition that you may have never seen coming. You will see how they operate, through the courts and our learning institutions. You will see how they reinforce their views in our culture, through our books music and entertainment, it is really eye opening. The hairs on the back of your neck will stand up when you read about some of the top music influences and their beliefs.
I believe our founding fathers would roll over in their graves if they could see how the silence and apathy of the Christian community today has allowed the liberal agenda to take hold throughout our entire system. If Christians continue down this path of least resistance, it won't be long before we become an enemy of the state and our views will be seen intolerant, bigoted hate speech. Wake up Christians!
This book was provided to me by the publisher, Aneko Press, for my honest review.
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