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Encyclopaedia of the Viking Age, by John Haywood

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This work uncovers the fascinatiing history of the Vikings, at both peace and war. Over 400 lavishly illustrated articles examine all aspects of Viking society, including its history, laws and customs, industry, and arts and literature.
- Sales Rank: #328928 in Books
- Color: Cream
- Published on: 2000-05-01
- Original language: English
- Number of items: 1
- Dimensions: 9.86" h x .97" w x 6.64" l, 1.75 pounds
- Binding: Hardcover
- 224 pages
- Encyclopaedia
- of the
- Viking Age
- History
- Historical
From Booklist
Haywood's attractive encyclopedia on the Vikings is that rarity--a satisfying reference source done right. The book is modestly sized and priced but packed with information. From the preface and introduction to the source list at the back, Haywood, who also wrote The Penguin Historical Atlas of the Vikings (1995), is a master of his subject. His prose is ample, at times challenging, but never pedantic. He anticipates the needs of the student, historian, teacher, librarian, traveler, and researcher with three superb gray-and-white maps of voyages, ports, and boundaries minus fussy cartographic extras that get in the way. A handy addition is a prefatory subject list offering such enticing topics as Dwarves, Khazars, Ladby ship burial, Midgard Serpent, and Slave trade. At back, the reader finds more useful study aids: a two-page historical chronology and three pages of Viking kings and rulers spanning the years 700 to 1100.The body of the encyclopedia assigns more than a third of each page to crisp, captioned black-and-white photographs and drawings. These illustrations span the top of each page and connect solidly to topics below. For example, an aerial photo showing the layout of a ninth-century ring-fort in the center of the modern Dutch village of Oost-Souburg complements the entry Ring-forts, Frankish; and a sketch of the Kanhave showing how engineers separated water and land accompanies the entry for this major eighth-century Danish engineering project. Unlike volumes that focus on Viking he-men, Haywood surveys all of Scandinavian life from the period, offering two intricate line drawings of an upright loom; entries on Jewelry, Life expectancy, and Weights and measures; and details concerning courtship, marriage, children, and divorce. Dotting each topic are cross-references in small caps that entice the reader to go beyond succinct data to a full understanding of the bold, inventive Vikings. Rich details on ship settings, road building, and Offa's dyke stress the geographic remains of their civilization. Balancing temporal exploits are the lasting intellectual and artistic monuments--rune-edged steles, filigreed carvings, bronze artifacts, illuminated documents, laws, and the wealth of sagas, riddles, and skaldic verse that set Scandinavia apart from the more genteel Europeans to the south and west.In terms of size, layout, cost, and ease of use, Haywood's encyclopedia is a worthy challenger to Peter Sawyer's The Age of Vikings (St. Martin's, 1962) and The Oxford Illustrated History of the Vikings (1997). Its one weakness is limited access to subtopics. Alphabetized cross-references are scanty. Without a back index, the book deprives the user of quick retrieval of details on such minor figures as Freydis, the female voyager of the Eriksson family; and Snorri, child of Gudrid and Thorfinn Karlsefni and the first European born in the Americas. This concern aside, the volume should prove useful in public and academic libraries. REVWR
Copyright � American Library Association. All rights reserved
About the Author
John Haywood is an Honorary Teaching Fellow in the Department of History at the University of Lancaster and a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society of Great Britain. He is the author of several books, including The Penguin Historical Atlas of the Vikings.
Most helpful customer reviews
5 of 6 people found the following review helpful.
Very good reference, despite errors
By Spence the Elder
Encyclopedia of the Viking Age, by John Haywood
I wish I had bought this book when it first came out. As a quick historical reference guide to the people, places and things of the Viking era this work is an invaluable asset. Being a thousand years or so removed from the period, I have, in the past, had no small amount of trouble keeping track of some of the individual players in the 300 year drama that was the Viking Age. This work contains most of the important historical personages and many of the mythological ones. Let's face it, keeping track of the numerous Olaf's, Erik's and Harold's, is a little daunting when you first begin studying the period. Haywood's book is very well organized and easy to use. The Subject Index and the Encyclopedia sections are very useful in finding, or not finding, as the case may be, what you are looking for. The Encyclopedia section is cross indexed quite well for following up a readers initial inquiry.
Now having said this, I agree 100% with the previous reviewer who was most annoyed by the rather sloppy Norse fonts, misuse/misspelling of several Scandinavian letters and the rather random Anglicization of some words and phrases but not others. I found this a tad annoying, but not critically so. I'd suggest that for future printings a re-edit and complete Anglicization of the text for the sake of consistency, if for no other reason.
Very sharp and clear black & white photos on nearly every page help lighten up the somewhat, but necessarily, dry history text's. While I understand the necessity for saving space and keeping costs down, the font size used throughout the book is, and I'm guessing here, around 8pt. Just a bit too small for comfortable reading. On the up side, the book is clearly printed, (except for a few of the Norse fonts), on good quality paper which helps offset the small type size.
The Chronology near the end of the book was fairly inclusive of the major events of the era. The next section, "Viking Kings and Rulers 700-1100", is quite detailed and useful.
The "Further Reading" section is one of the best I've ever run across. Not only is it very extensive, but it is also broken down by Primary and Secondary Sources. These sections are further broken down into several subsections that will make further specific reading and research by the reader much, much easer.
On the mythological side there are several errors. For example, in "The Ransom of Ottar", Odin & Thor were not held hostage by Hreidmar. It was Odin & Honir/Hoenir. Again, a tad annoying, but not critically so. This work is geared much more to the historical facts and figures of the era, not the mythological or religious side. There are many other excellent books out there that cover the myth and religious aspect of the period, (authors: Ellis-Davidson, Crossley-Holland, Andy Orchard, Rudolf Simek and R.I. Page, just to name a few).
All and all a must have guide for anyone who needs a quick, but detailed, reference to most of the historical aspects of the Viking era.
On a side note, I have deleted this review and resubmitted it with a 4 star rating instead of a 5. This was after comparing this work with Simek's, "Dictionary of Northern Mythology", and Orchard's, "Dictionary of Norse Myth & Legend". I highly recommend all three works for anyone interested in digging deeper into the, "The Viking Age", they complement each other well.
In Frith,
Spence The Elder
"Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc"
M. Addams
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Four Stars
By EW Rafalske
Good reference book.
1 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Very thorough reference on the Vikings
By Rob Kroese
Bought this book while doing some research on the Vikings for a novel. Haven't come close to reading the whole thing, but it's already been very helpful. Highly recommended for anyone doing research in this area.
See all 4 customer reviews...
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Encyclopaedia of the Viking Age, by John Haywood PDF
Encyclopaedia of the Viking Age, by John Haywood PDF
Encyclopaedia of the Viking Age, by John Haywood PDF